
Chapter 13 Loathing shame

寵辱若驚,貴大患若身。何謂寵辱若驚?寵為下,得之若驚,失之若驚,是謂寵辱若驚。何謂貴大患若身?吾所以有大患者,為吾有身,及吾無身,吾有何患?故貴以身為天下,若可寄天下;愛以身為天下,若可託天下。 1. Favor and disgrace would seem equally to be feared; honor and great calamity, to be regarded as personal conditions (of the same kind). 2. What is meant by speaking thus of favor and disgrace? Disgrace is being in a low position (after the enjoyment of favor). The getting that (favor) leads to the […]

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Chapter 71 The disease of knowing

知不知上;不知知病。夫唯病病,是以不病。聖人不病,以其病病,是以不病。 1. To know and yet (think) we do not know is the highest (attainment); not to know (and yet think) we do know is a disease. 2. It is simply by being pained at (the thought of) having this disease that we are preserved from it. The sage has not the disease. He knows […]

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Herb Suffixes = Part of the Plant

Pin Yin English Latin Example Exception cao herb herba yi mu cao, han lian cao gan cao, long dan cao gen root radix ge gen, ban lan gen gen rhizome rhizoma lu gen, bai mao gen shen root radix dang shen, dan shen zhi twig ramulus gui zhi, sang zhi bu gu zhi, bai zhi […]

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Commonly modified formulas

Part 1 Commonly modified formula Si wu tang (Chuan Xiong, Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang, Bai Shao Yao) tao hong si wu tang xue fu zhu yu tang Ba zhen tang shi quan da bu tang ren shen yang ying tang shao fu zhu yu tang= si wu tang + shi xiao san+ others Si […]

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Chapter 54 The cultivation (of the Dao), and the observation (of its effects)

善建不拔,善抱者不脫,子孫以祭祀不輟。修之於身,其德乃真;修之於家,其德乃餘;修之於鄉,其德乃長;修之於國,其德乃豐;修之於天下,其德乃普。故以身觀身,以家觀家,以鄉觀鄉,以國觀國,以天下觀天下。吾何以知天下然哉?以此。 1. What (Dao’s) skilful planter plants Can never be up-torn; What his skilful arms enfold, From him can ne’er be borne. Sons shall bring in lengthening line, Sacrifices to his shrine. 2. Dao when nursed within one’s self, His vigor will make true; And where the family it rules What riches will accrue! The […]

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Ming Mem Ming Men Opened

Ming MemMing Men Opened Bai Hui, Ming Men and Wei Lu are three acupuncture cavities that play a big role in Tai Chi training and practice. Among the three, Ming Men is of the most important. There are only very small group of people who really obtained so-called the internal Kung-Fu or internal energy, almost […]

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Measurement 1 lian= 30 g 1 qian=3 g 1 fen=0.3g Dosage is based on: 1) properties of herbs: quality, texture and toxicity 2) combinations and forms of prescriptions( combination, preparation form, and purpose of using herbs) 3) patients( patient’s condition, constitution and age)

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Chapter 55 The mysterious charm

含德之厚,比於赤子。蜂蠆虺蛇不螫,猛獸不據,攫鳥不搏。骨弱筋柔而握固。未知牝牡之合而全作,精之至也。終日號而不嗄,和之至也。知和曰常,知常曰明,益生曰祥。心使氣曰強。物壯則老,謂之不道,不道早已。 1. He who has in himself abundantly the attributes (of the Tao) is like an infant. Poisonous insects will not sting him; fierce beasts will not seize him; birds of prey will not strike him. 2. (The infant’s) bones are weak and its sinews soft, but yet its grasp is firm. It knows not […]

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