Four Key TCM Principles

Principles 1. Your body is an integrated whole. Each and every structure in your body is an integral and necessary part of the whole. Along with your mind, emotions, and spirit, your physical body structures form a miraculously complex, interrelated system that is powered by life force, or energy. 2. You are completely connected to nature. […]

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5 Core Principles of Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine approaches health in a uniquely holistic way, enabling us to reach a level of vibrancy like no other. Whether it’s helped you heal or you’re just curious, the philosophy this ancient practice is built upon can be applied throughout our lives. We asked TCM expert and acupuncture pro, Mona Dan of Vie Healing […]

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Site Pitch

Mountain University Mountains are the ancient and original places of higher learning. You learn on your journey (referred to in many traditions as the The Way) up the mountain and you learn when you have reached your destination. Whether you seek a place for quiet contemplation, commune with nature, or guidance from the divine mountains […]

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Why of the When

Life is not easy. Some people enjoy the struggle. Some choose to align with Nature and the Tao. If you identify with the latter, this info may be for you. The Ancients had awareness of energetic cycles in Nature that today we have virtually no acknowledgement of. The Asian people called this Tian Gan Di […]

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Chapter 1 The Way

道,可道,非恆道。 名,可名,非恆名。 無名,天地之始﹔有名,萬物之母。 故常無欲,以觀其妙﹔常有欲,以觀其徼。 此兩者同出而異名,同謂之玄。 玄之又玄,眾妙之門。   [su_spoiler title=”Merle” open=”0″ style=”2″] The Way that can be experienced is not true; The world that can be constructed is not true. The Way manifests all that happens and may happen; The world represents all that exists and may exist. To experience without intention is to sense the […]

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Points 2

癸 Gui Yin Water Kidney 未 Wei Hour of the Sheep 丑 Chou Hour of the Ox B1 11:00 pm until 1:00 am 子 Zi Human Spirit: Ankles Gall Bladder Meridian GB Excess – GB 38 Source GB 40 SJ Deficiency + SJ 3 Horary GB 41 Stem Points: SJ 1 [Ht 3] B2 1:00 […]

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