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Mountains are the ancient and original places of higher learning. You learn on your journey (referred to in many traditions as the The Way) up the mountain and you learn when you have reached your destination. Whether you seek a place for quiet contemplation, commune with nature, or guidance from the divine mountains have always been sought for the laboratory  for such work. In places where mountains were not an option, the ancient ones created mounds, ziggurats, pyramids, and temples. There are sacred mountain places in all traditions and all countries.

In the Chinese Five Metaphysical Arts – Mountain ( ) is the branch devoted to the Philosophical arts, cultivation, martial arts, self-healing, meditation which covers the thoughts and teaching of Ancient Chinese philosophers or sages. This is also include the study of, whereby in the ancient time, one will need to go up to the mountain to receive such knowledge through meditation or cultivation.

It is in these traditions that Mountain University carries on this function in the present and digital world. The world needs a new generation of Scholar-Warrior-Sages, Renaissance Men/Women. If you feel the calling, start today because tomorrow is not guaranteed.